Quality and Assurance_

Of course you want applications with high quality and software that works when you want to and how you want to. Let Nerd as a Service help you garantuee your quality and assurance.

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What is high quality software?

At first we will define what high quality software means for your organisation and how to guarantee this. So you will have a customized definition of Quality and Assurance for your organisation. Next step is how is research if this definition is met by your software and specify which requirements are missing. These requirements can vary from code hygiene to user experience and everything in between.

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High quality software

Works like a charm_

After researching the requirements, we will make a plan to meet all the requirements and research the best way to operate the software. We can look at hosting, fallback, incident management, crisis management, etc. we will make sure your software operates as your organization needs it to operate.

Working together to advise and implement

Advise and implement_

Combining the knowledge of the requirements with the knowledge of operation allows us to advise you about the quality of your software by diving into your business and customizing the requirements to your organization. It also allows us to advise you about the best way to operate that piece of software, because we know how it is build and we also learned what your organization needs. Do you want our Nerds to implement that advice, we will take care of it!

Want to read about how we made sure Quality and Assurance requirement were met or implemented, discover our case with Bosch and KLM.

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