ISO27001 Implementation_

At Nerd as a Service, we help you get ready for the ISO27001 certification. Every organization that is growing will experience some challenges regarding information security. Having the right ISMS (Information Security Management System) in place is essential to properly deal with the (possibly sensitive) information clients, business partners and suppliers share with your organization.

Information security management system_

The ISO27001 norm specifies an international standard for information security in organization. The norm helps organizations establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving a new information security management system. Also included is the assesement and treatment of current information security risks.

The norm doesn’t apply to one specific kind of organization or market. So, it doesn’t matter if you are in banking, retail or IT. The ISO27001 norm is applicable for any organization in which ever market.

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Benefits of ISO27001 certification_

Getting an ISO27001 certifcate gets you a lot of benefits. Which?:

Compliance: Implementing the ISO27001 standard wil make sure that you comply with (most of) the legal requirements

Competitive advantage: A certificate can be the differentiator between you and your competitor. Potential clients with – understandable – concerns about the safety of their information, will choose for you when your competitor can’t ensure the safety of that infromation in the form of a certificate.

Avoid growing pains: While growing you won’t have time to think about procedures regarding information security. Not having a clear system in place to properly deal with information in the organization will result in confusing situations. This is because your employees won’t know who is responsible for what. During the implementation of ISO27001 you will write down all responsibilities to prevent these confusing situations.

Cost savings: TIME = MONEY & preventing is better than fixing. With the implementation of the ISO27001 norm you will prevent data leaks that will cost you time and thus money.

Expert reviews: During the implementation of the norm you will need to invite an external auditor to complete the certification process. At first glance this could look like a disadvantage, but if you look at it a different way, you will find that this is the opportunity for your new ISMS to be reviewed by an expert.

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Implementation with NaaS_

Our professionals are ready to help you get certified! The steps we will guide you through:

  1. Inventory: What’s already there?
  2. Information Security policy: Writing an information security policy
  3. Risk assessment: Asses the risks in you organization.
  4. Null assessment/run phase: Interviews, create awareness, implement new procedures.
  5. 1st internal audit: Check controls & mangement review
  6. Certification audit: External audit: Test design & implemetation
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